Sports & Exercise

Sports & Exercise

Highly active people and those engaged in amateur, semi or professional sports have very different nutritional requirements to non athletic people. It is without doubt that optimal nutrition plays a key role, if not the most important role, in optimising high level performance.

We are certified in evidence-based Sports & Exercise Nutrition and offer science based nutritional plans, based on training volume, metabolism, weight, gender and athletic goals. Competition diets for peak performance for short or prolonged events. Whether you are involved in Team Sports, Endurance, Strength & Power, Body Building or Weight Control.

We apply hydration strategies used by world class champions & elite athletes, including food diary analyses & recommendations on sports products from life waters to protein shakes.

All advice is in line with the International Olympic Committee and world leading scientists.

If your interest in Plant Based Nutrition has been piqued by the Game Changers movie and the ever increasing number of Elite Athletes turning to PBN, we’ve got you covered too. Certified in Plant Based Nutrition, and as a Professional Plant Based Chef, optimising peak performance through employing functional whole foods, is a key strategy.

Get in touch today for a no strings, no fee initial consultation to optimise your sports and exercise nutrition and reach peak performance in your sports endeavours.
